Nordic Youth Conference 2023
The National Spiritual Assembly of Norway has in consultation with Counsellor Saba Mazza the pleasure of extending an invitation to youth and junior youth between the ages of 12 and 40, in your countries to the Nordic Youth Conference of 2023 which will be held in the neighborhood of Fjell, in the city of Drammen, at Galterud Skole from April 5th to 9th 2023. In its message to the friends gathered at the Nordic Youth Conference, the Universal House of Justice writes that:
“In every part of the Nordic region are to be found a multitude of souls, young and old, who yearn for the spiritual values inherent in the Bahá’í teachings, the fountain from which flow enduring happiness and fulfilment.” and “As the Cause of God advances along the path traced out for it by its Divine Author, each stage of the process opens up to a new generation of youth challenges unique to that historical moment. Indeed, you convene at a time of unprecedented opportunity and need.”
- The Universal House of Justice, April 2019
The youth conference like previous years aim to continue the vision of the Universal House of Justice and give youth an opportunity to reach out and learn together, shoulder by shoulder, with focus on action and service, and the institute process as a tool. The conference will consist of meaningful conversations, transformation, arts and music, friendship, service, prayer, study and joy. We hope that in the coming months and the activities leading to the conference will also be able to draw together groups of youth and junior youth in different contexts so that one can see the conference as a part of a process that will continue after the conference- and not be just an event.
We would like to invite all youth between the ages 12 - 40 years to participate and ask everyone’s support in encouraging participation.
Start: Arrival April 5th, program starts on the morning of the 6th
End: Departure April 9th
Venue: Galterud Skole (Solsvingen 80) in Drammen, neighborhood of Fjell
Who: Youth between 12 and 40 years old
The conference matters to everyone, no matter their age. Everyone can help to support the youth to “become aware of the contribution they can make to the improvement of their society” 1. This can be assisted through informing youth in our families and friends about the conference and that we partake in conversations with the youth, especially in local gatherings where youth are that have “have proved to be ideal occasions for bringing an intensity to this ongoing conversation” 2.
There is no doubt that Bahá’u’lláhs vision of a just and peaceful world order appeals to engaged people who wish to contribute selflessly with service to the common good. “the community of the Greatest Name is able to give shape to the highest aspirations of young people,” 3 the Universal House of Justice states. We look forward to this and hope that as many as possible have the possibility to set aside the time to participate! Youth from Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden are all welcome to the Nordic Youth Conference of 2023.
1 The Universal House of Justice, 29.12.2015 par. 35
2 The Universal House of Justice, 29.12.2015 par. 35
3 The Universal House of Justice, 29.12.2015 par. 34